2021-2022 Regional Awards:
Sponsorship Information
Congratulations to all of our Regional Winners for the 2022-2023 show season!
Sponsorship Information & Option
Sponsorships will be recognized on this website, on the awards themselves, in our awards powerpoint presentation and in the keepsake awards booklet (if/when applicable). All cats will be awarded a rosette and a plaque whether they are sponsored or not. Cats who are Best of Breed and in the Top 25 AB Alter, AB Kitten, LH Cat, or SH Cat will have their breed win noted on their Top 25 Plaque.
Individual winner plaques and rosettes: $25 per cat
Breed win plaques (Best of Breed not in Top 25 in Kitten, Champion or Alter classes): $11 per cat
General sponsorship: Bronze-$15, Silver-$25, Gold-$50, Platinum-$100, Diamond- $150
Trophies for BEST of each class: $90
Best Kitten: The Louise Van de water Award
Best Championship Cat: The Dr. Solveig Pflueger Award
Best Alter: The James P. Reardon Award
Best HHP Kitten: The Claire Hollister Singer Award
Best HHP: Awarded in Memory of Susan Erikson
How to Sponsor
Hover over "2022-2023 Regional Winners" on the menu above, complete the "Awards Sponsorship Form" Should there be any issue with your request, the sponsorship coordinator will reach out to you.
Payment Information
If you are Sponsoring a plaque, trophy, or a general award/banquet sponsorship, please use the following payment information (ALERT - this has changed from previous years!):
Paypal: northeastregionalfund@gmail.com
- Check: Payable to "Northeast Regional Fund" and mailed to: Christian Cherau, 25 Morrissey Boulevard #1241, Boston, MA 02125
All sponsorships are payable in USD, please.
Photos of Winners and Regional Candids
Owners of the winners are invited to send in photos of their cats for inclusion in the Awards presentation. We are also looking for candid photos of TICA NE shows, members, and cats! Pictures may be emailed to emiliecherau@cox.net
Notes on Pictures:
Preferred file type is .jpg or .png
Please send no more than 5 pictures per email
Please note which picture is for which cat and which award
If you have multiple wins for a cat (such as kitten and adult) and would like to use different pictures for each award, please note which picture is for which award
Photo collages are welcome! Please have them completed and of a high enough quality to display in a powerpoint
If you would like something other than what is in the sponsorship list displayed during the presentation, please let coordinator know (such as owner names)
Lifetime Achievement Awards & Outstanding Sire/Dam
If you have a Lifetime Achiever, Outstanding Sire or Outstanding Dam, please contact the sponsorship coordinator. The Northeast Region is honored to recognize these special achievements!
Sponsorship Coordinator - Contact Info
Emilie Cherau
Thank You!
The TICA Northeast Region, its members, and its supporters greatly appreciate your generosity.